My portfolio

My Awesome Projects

Compain Against Drug Abuse

Consious Kenya Campaign Aganist Alcohol And Drug

Press Release – Elimu

Viusasa Launches ELIMU Platform to Offer Education Options to Students

Featured Article – Daily Nation

The rise of natural gas and electric powered vehicles

Viusasa’s Crisis Management Plan

Crisis Communication  Plan for Viusasa

Press Release

NTS Announes Major Intiative  To Reduce Gas Emissions


Not In This Economy
Are we going to buy food or buy fuel??

Compain Against Drug Abuse

Consious Kenya Campaign Aganist Alcohol And Drug

Press Release – Elimu

Viusasa Launches ELIMU Platform to Offer Education Options to Students

Featured Article – Daily Nation

The rise of natural gas and electric powered vehicles

Viusasa’s Crisis Management Plan

Crisis Communication  Plan for Viusasa

Press Release

NTS Announes Major Intiative  To Reduce Gas Emissions


Not In This Economy
Are we going to buy food or buy fuel??