Viusasa’s Crisis Management Plan

Crisis Communication  Plan for Viusasa

This is the first time a crisis management plan for Viusasa organization has been created. Averting or reducing loss in a crisis situation is the purpose of this Crisis Management Plan (CMP). It is designed to help handle the repercussions of a crisis quickly and effectively and to recover from it the best way possible.In handling a crisis the key issues are maintaining the safety and health of the employees, the public, the restoration of contracts with external producers, the protection of company’s property and resources and safeguarding of institutional integrity.In the case of a crisis, the selected crisis management team is designated as the main decision-making body in the event that a crisis is declared. This body of key managers/ directors/ HODs of Viusasa works to inform the C.E.O about the growth, recovery and resolution of crises. Internal and external resources would be used strategically to establish and manage the strategy prior to developing it. Social media monitoring is vital during a crisis as it is detrimental to the organizations reputation, therefore messaging and timing is key.

Client Name


Release Date

May 10, 2020

Project Type
